[news flash] according to the latest data, the following situation occurred in the A-share market today: the real estate sector rose 6%, making the Prev stand above 3100 points; the concepts of battery and AI also rose sharply, with the gem up nearly 4%; trading volume was enlarged to 124.8 billion, with a daily turnover of 1.Abugarciamax3.21 trillion yuan; various sectors and themes generally rose, of which the real estate services sector rose the most, reaching 9%; real estate, car dismantling, Internet e-commerce, Sora, new batteries, digital watermarks and photoresist also rose sharply; while precious metals, airport shipping, medium ship system, automobiles, roads and railways, oil and gas exploration, non-ferrous metals and ports and other sectors showed a low performance. The share prices of more than 4500 companies rose, including the limit. The net inflow of capital northward has reached 10.9 billion, and the effect of returning blood is very obvious. On the whole, the market has not risen for the time being.Abugarciamax3It is recommended to pay close attention to local opportunities and keep abreast of capital movements.

[investment strategy] Today, real estate relay securities rose, and the index fluctuated again, while gold and non-ferrous sectors performed poorly. On the whole, various sectors and individual stocks generally rose, trading volume continued to enlarge, and it is expected that there will be a small shock in the market tomorrow.

[interaction] although there have been many apparent increases in the A-share market today, the actual increase is not as good as people expected. Positions and self-selected stocks generally rose little, and it took a lot of trouble to outperform the gem. It can be said that today's increase is mainly limited to the range of individual stocks, although there are 135 limit board, but mainly real estate and battery plate decline. The rally on Friday and today is led by referees, similar to the rally during the Spring Festival, which can not only stabilize the stock market, but also make people happy during the holiday season.

[investment Notes] the A-share market this year is very abnormal. Buying the right stocks is a bull market, while buying the wrong stocks is a bear market. Lying in white horse stocks and over-the-counter funds is hard to see the hope of getting back the capital. Generally speaking, investors are advised to follow the capital trend and follow the capital flow to invest. Where there is the capital flow, there is the market. It is recommended that you open a securities account during the holiday and enter the market in time once there is a market. I wish you all a big return to blood tomorrow!

[supplementary reminder] there have been new changes in the market, with funds more focused on hot spots of speculation and playing with local prices, while white horse stocks and over-the-counter funds have suffered a negative drop in blood. It is recommended that investors keep up with the trend of funds, actively and gradually into the market, do not blindly copy the bottom or share costs, so as not to get into more difficulties. To enter the market, you need to have a securities account. If you need to open an account, please add the brokerage Wechat huaxiliu228, or send "opening an account" at the official account to get an automatic reply. Keep reading every day and grow together!

The stock name gem refers to the plate name digital watermark, car disassembly, photoresist, battery, e-commerce concept keywords real estate rise, Prev station 3100 points, battery and AI concept bullish bearish (neutral) A-share pull with a lot of surface kung fu, but the actual effect is not good, the increase is mainly concentrated in local stocks. Real estate and Ning Wang rose sharply, A-share holiday red packets have a chance? Hexun self-selected Stock Writer risk Tip: the above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.